

英 [weəz]

美 [werz]

v.  穿; 戴; 佩戴; 蓄,留(发、须等); 流露,面带,呈现(某种神态)
n.  (尤用于商店)…时穿的衣服,…装; 衣着; 穿着; 穿戴; 佩戴; 使用量(或形式); 耐用性; 经久性


  • VERB 穿;戴;佩戴
    When youwearsomething such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body or on part of your body.
    1. He was wearing a brown uniform...
    2. I sometimes wear contact lenses...
    3. She can't make her mind up what to wear.
  • VERB 留着,蓄着(发、须等)
    If youwearyour hair or beard in a particular way, you have it cut or styled in that way.
    1. She wore her hair in a long braid...
    2. He wore a full moustache.
  • VERB 呈现,流露出(…表情)
    If youweara particular expression, that expression is on your face and shows the emotions that you are feeling.
    1. When we drove through the gates, she wore a look of amazement...
    2. Millson's face wore a satisfied expression.
  • N-UNCOUNT (特定时候或场合穿的)服装
    You usewearto refer to clothes that are suitable for a certain time or place. For example,evening wearis clothes suitable for the evening.
    1. The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear...
    2. Bring informal casual wear.
  • N-UNCOUNT 耐用性;使用率;使用形式
    Wearis the amount or type of use that something has over a period of time.
    1. You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour...
    2. Rugs in the bedrooms got much less wear.
  • After you get up in the morning, youget dressed, or youdress, byputting onyour clothes.He put on his shoes and socks.Small children and sick people may be unable todress themselves, so someone else has todressthem. When youare dressed, youare wearingyour clothes, or youhavethemon.Edith had her hat on... They ought to stop walking round the house with nothing on.During the day you might want toget changed, or tochange, or tochangeyour clothes.She returned having changed from trousers into a skirt... Adams changed his shirt a couple of times a day.Before you go to bed, youget undressed, or youundress, bytaking offyour clothes.He won't take his clothes off in front of me.See also note atclothes.
    早上起来后,要穿好衣服(get dressed 或 dress),而put on 表示穿衣服这个动作:He put on his shoes and socks (他穿上鞋袜)。小孩和病人可能无法自己穿衣服(dress themselves),所以得有人给他们穿衣服(dress them)。穿好衣服(be dressed)后,就是穿着衣服(be wearing sth 或 have sth on):Edith had her hat on (伊迪丝戴着帽子),They ought to stop walking round the house with nothing on (他们不应当什么也不穿就在屋子里四处走动)。白天可能会想要换衣服(get changed, change 或change sth):She returned having changed from trousers into a skirt (她回来时长裤已换成了短裙),Adams changed his shirt a couple of times a day (亚当斯一天换几次衬衫)。上床睡觉前,要脱掉衣服(get undressed 或 undress),take off 表示脱衣服这个动作:He won't take his clothes off in front of me (他不肯当着我的面脱衣服)。亦参见 clothes 词条下的说明。

  • N-UNCOUNT 磨损;损坏
    Wearis the damage or change that is caused by something being used a lot or for a long time.
    1. ...a large, well-upholstered armchair which showed signs of wear.
  • VERB 磨损;用旧
    If somethingwears, it becomes thinner or weaker because it is constantly being used over a long period of time.
    1. The stone steps, dating back to 1855, are beginning to wear...
    2. Your horse needs new shoes if the shoe has worn thin or smooth.
  • VERB 耐用;耐久
    You can usewearto talk about how well something lasts over a period of time. For example, if somethingwears well, it still seems quite new or useful after a long time or a lot of use.
    1. Casual shoes need to wear well...
    2. Ten years on, the original concept was wearing well.
  • PHRASE (尤指女性)当家,掌权(英国英语中用wear the trousers)
    If one person in a couple, especially the woman,wears the pants, or in British Englishwears the trousers, they are the one who makes all the decisions.
    1. She may give the impression that she wears the trousers but it's Tim who makes the final decisions.
  • PHRASE (耐心等)逐渐消失
    If your patience or temperis wearing thin, you are becoming annoyed and are likely to get angry soon.
    1. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.
  • PHRASE (因听说的次数太多而)失去趣味,令人厌烦
    If you say that somethingis wearing thin, you mean that people do not find it funny or interesting any more and are becoming annoyed with it, because they have seen or heard it so many times.
    1. Some of Wilson's eccentricities are beginning to wear thin.
  • PHRASE 劳累的;虚弱的;喝醉的
    If you say that someone isthe worse for wear, you mean that they are tired, ill, or in a bad state because they have been very active, been through a difficult experience, or been drinking alcohol.
    1. He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear.


  • Hallah wears the stylish tunic and pantaloons common in Kurdistan.
  • He wears an air of innocence.
  • In fact she tends to be a little heavy-handed when she wears make-up.
  • It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.
  • She may give the impression that she wears the trousers but it's Tim who makes the final decisions.
  • The softer rock wears away.
  • She wears a necklace.
  • No matter how often they turn up, their welcome never wears out.
  • He wears a pair of glasses.
  • The cloth wears well.