

英 [ˈslaɪmɪŋ]

美 [ˈslaɪmɪŋ]

网络  泥化; 瘦身


  • Research On The Examination Of Sliming Of Adolescents A survey of students 'health in Shijiazhuang
  • The mineral properties of an iron-bearing sliming zinc oxide ore in Guizhou is investigated, and a technique of sulphidizing-amination flotation was introduced.
  • Production practice of gold leaching in all sliming cyanide carbon-in-pulp process at low temperature
  • The Flocculation experimental research on acid and heave sliming coal-washing wastewater of Malan coal preparation plant
  • The ore of a lead-zinc deposit in Longnan, Gansu is very hard to beneficiate due to its high oxidation, fine dissemination size of minerals and easy sliming and it is especially difficult to recover the zinc form the ore.
  • The technical management of all sliming cyanidation CIP plant through the application of 3 stage metal equilibrium relation
  • The total Au recovery rate of 76% is obtained by a gravity-flotation combinative dressing technology and the Au leaching rate is increased to 98.8% by the all sliming cyanidation technology.
  • In order to solve the problems of ventilation and dedusting in the crushing cave, a simply equipped set of ventilation and dedusting installation including concentrated dust collecting, atomized dust settling and sliming precipitating has been designed using the existing condition at Xincheng Gold Mine.
  • There are amounts of magnesium gangue minerals in ores with characteristics of soft texture, easily sliming, good floatability, high adsorption ability.
  • In fact, the more reasonable and moderate a critic sounds, the more urgently he or she must be demonized, hence the frantic sliming of Elizabeth Warren.