adj. 有疤的;卑鄙的;有疙瘩的;患疥癣病的
v. 结痂;破坏罢工(scab的过去分词)
- The father's accination site had scabbed oer and the scab had separated before the isit home; he kept the site bandaged during the isit.
这位父亲的疫苗接种部位有痂形成且在回家之前痂有分离,在家期间他始终缠着绷带。 - The paper put forward the simulative moving blurred image splice algorithm based on the analysis of random sequence. It can eliminate scabbed gaps, which brought by parallel transferring of image data through various channels.
提出了基于随机序列分析的模拟运动影像拼接算法,较好地消除了由于采用分通道并行转移影像数据所带来的影像拼接缝。 - One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock.
一羊生癣,群羊受害。 - To evaluate effect wound healing time and scabbed time were recorded.
治疗期间观察烧伤创面成痂时间、创面愈合时间、用药后创面感染情况、创面修复情况及药物的副作用以判断疗效。 - One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.
一只病羊,害及全群。 - The tumors of group 7 were reduced, shriveled, scabbed and desquamated at last.