

网络  雷丁; 忠告


  • One EU commissioner who opposed the plan said it was "divisive" and criticised MS reding for not heeding legal advice earlier.
  • MS reding wants to see a steep cut in the charges mobile phone operators levy on each other for connecting calls to their networks because of concerns that the companies make "excessive" profits from the wholesale fees.
  • Large companies have resisted mandatory quotas and have urged Ms Reding to put off the proposal, arguing that making major changes to top management during the continued eurozone crisis is inappropriate.
  • MS reding has decided to push the legislation after a voluntary scheme failed to improve gender balance among top management.
  • Although Ms Reding said she had the backing of Mr Barroso during deliberations, commission officials said he only supported a proposal as long as it had non-binding guidelines, not mandatory quotas.
  • Her move suffered a setback last week when lawyers ruled it could breach EU treaties; Ms Reding is expected to submit a revised voluntary scheme this month.
  • EU Media Commissioner Viviane Reding said her office would draft rules this year to amend EUe-privacy law to take account of RFID.
  • Commissioner reding asked business schools to supply lists of women whom they considered suitable to sit on corporate boards.
  • MS reding said the defeat came after an "intense" two-hour Commission debate.
  • Ms Reding warned that failure by the US to change the way it treats Europeans 'personal data could derail the trade talks, a sentiment shared by several other EU leaders who are advocates of the deal.