

网络  纵坐标


  • In this paper, a calculation code ( HBDC) for the parameters of core reflector is encoded based on the one-dimensional transport equivalent method and the discrete ordinates method ANISN.
  • In this paper, the fast neutron radiation experiment device, which has been developed and satisfies the studying on radiation effects of electronics apparatus, is designed by Monte Carlo and discrete ordinates method.
  • The process of radiative heat transfer in a three dimension rectangular furnace is simulated using discrete ordinates method, and the corresponding computer code is compiled.
  • Extrinsic parameters ( rotation matrix Rand translation vectort) derived from camera calibration were used to combine multiple views from different cameras into complete information on the same system of co ordinates.
  • This thesis discusses the application of Discrete Ordinates ( SN) methods for reactor pressure vessel ( RPV) neutron fluence calculations.
  • This paper has six chapters. After simply introduced the essential concepts of transport theory, we give the differential transport equation and integral equation, and derivate the expressions of transfer operators in different orthogonal ordinates.
  • In present research, a finite element model, which is based on the discrete ordinates method and least-squares variational principle, is developed to simulate the transient radiative transfer.
  • In calculating elastic deformation, the pressure distribution is approximated by a piecewise biquadratic polynomial, and singularity of integral is overcome by a transformation of the polar co ordinates.
  • In this paper, we measure the grading increments of the garment frame lines and its feature key-point co-ordinates directly from its structure parameters.
  • Numerical modeling of infrared radiation properties of exhaust plume by the Discrete Ordinates Method in body-fitted coordinates