

英 [ˈnjuːtrəlz]

美 [ˈnutrəlz]

n.  (汽车排挡)空挡的; 中立者; 中立国; 素净色; 中和色


  • ADJ-GRADED (个人或国家)持中立态度的,中立的,无倾向性的
    If a person or country adopts aneutralposition or remainsneutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest.
    1. Let's meet on neutral territory...
    2. Those who had decided to remain neutral in the struggle now found themselves required to take sides.
    3. Aneutralis someone who is neutral.
    4. It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.
  • ADJ-GRADED (声音或表情)不露声色的,平淡的
    If someone speaks in aneutralvoice or if the expression on their face isneutral, they do not show what they are thinking or feeling.
    1. Isabel put her magazine down and said in a neutral voice, 'You're very late, darling.'...
    2. He told her about the death, describing the events in as neutral a manner as he could.
  • ADJ-GRADED 中性的;不引起变化的
    If you say that something isneutral, you mean that it does not have any effect on other things because it lacks any significant qualities of its own, or it is an equal balance of two or more different qualities, amounts, or ideas.
    1. Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off...
  • ADJ-GRADED (话语)模糊的,中立的,不含褒贬义的
    If someone usesneutrallanguage, they choose words which do not indicate that they approve or disapprove of something.
    1. Both sides had agreed to use neutral terms in their references to each other, avoiding controversial ones...
    2. He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.
  • N-UNCOUNT (车辆排挡的)空挡
    Neutralis the position between the gears of a vehicle such as a car, in which the gears are not connected to the engine.
    1. Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road.
  • (电线)中性的
    In an electrical device or system, theneutralwire is one of the three wires needed to complete the circuit so that the current can flow. The other two wires are called the earth wire and the live or positive wire.
    1. COLOUR 灰暗的;素净的;无色的
      Neutralis used to describe things that have a pale colour such as cream or grey, or that have no colour at all.
      1. At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey...
      2. Mary suggests using a neutral lip pencil.
    2. ADJ 不带电的
      In physics,neutralis used to describe things such as atomic particles that have neither a positive nor a negative charge.
      1. A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom.
    3. ADJ-GRADED (化学中)中性的,非酸非碱的
      In chemistry,neutralis used to describe things that are neither acid nor alkaline.
      1. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7.


    • Transient molecules consist of free radicals, molecular ions, molecules in excited states, and other short-lived neutrals.
    • Daring fashionista Heidi Klum shows how to really make neutrals work with shimmering slate fingertips.
    • The main advantage in operating with neutrals isolated is the possibility of maintaining a supply with a ground fault on one line which places the remaining conductors at line voltage above ground.
    • The University of Illinois Urban Extension says ever bearers and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens.
    • With normal balanced operation the neutrals of an ungrounded or isolated system are held at ground potential because of the presence of the system capacitance to earth.
    • Possibly even for those of two alliances, or Neutrals.
    • Accessorize in Brights If you've got a closet full of neutrals be they navy, black, camel, or gray add energy with boldly hued shoes and bags.
    • I am by disposition one of life's neutrals, a human Switzerland ( John Gregory Dunne)
    • Psychological warfare, used to influence the minds of friends, neutrals and foes.
    • A program was written which performed a function calculation of winding transient process, and it was used to calculate the initial potential distribution and the potential gradient of the power transformers winding when the neutrals were grounded and isolated, then we obtained the weak link of insulation.