(mobilise 的过去分词) vi.vt. 动员, 松动, 使活动, 调动, 发动
mobilise的过去分词, 过去式
- And, most importantly, I want them to clearly articulate how they mobilised people to achieve those outcomes.
最重要的是,我希望他们可以清楚的说出自己是如何调动他人共同完成这项工作的。 - We have mobilised some of our ground resources and soon results should be seen physically.
我们已经动员了部分地面资源,很快结果会真正地被看到。 - How government can best prepare for the pressures that will come, and how greater revenues can be mobilised without damaging the economy, are the great economic questions for the next generation.
政府如何才能为将要面对的压力做好准备,以及政府在不损害经济的情况下可以增加多少收入是下一代人将要面对的重大经济问题。 - If Italy remains stuck in an uncompetitive recession and is unable to regain market access then, even if such large official resources were mobilised, they would be wasted on financing investors 'exits – simply postponing an inevitable, disorderly debt restructuring.
如果意大利依然陷入一场毫无竞争力的衰退,无法重新进入市场融资,那么即便是动用了如此巨大的官方资源,那也只是浪费资金帮助投资者退出&不过是推迟了一场不可避免、无序的债务重组。 - Mobile phone repair crews were also mobilised and service had been restored to much of the area by last night.
移动通信网络的维修人员也投入抢修,截至昨晚,大部分地区的手机服务已经恢复。 - Clearly, the million-dollar prize has mobilised far more than a million dollars worth of research effort.
显然,这项百万美元奖金动员的力量远远超出了等值研究计划。 - By this time rapid response has been mobilised.
这个时候警报车已经起动了。 - By midday the board had received information that a group of fundamentalists had mobilised themselves after Friday prayers and were heading towards the hotel.
在中午时分,委员会接到消息,一股原教旨主义者在周五礼拜后纠集了祈祷者正向宾馆方向进发。 - Financial reform will only prove effective if it removes the distorted incentives and poor governance structures that have affected how financial resources are mobilised and allocated, the bank said in a report released on Wednesday.
该行表示:只有在消除扭曲的激励机制和糟糕的治理架构(这种架构会影响到金融资源的流动和分配过程)之后,金融改革才会被证明是有效的。 - Labour costs for planting trees are high, but since much would consist of locally mobilised volunteers, we can estimate roughly$ 400 per hectare, including seedlings and labour.