

英 [ˈlɔːndəd]

美 [ˈlɔːndərd]

v.  洗熨(衣物); 洗(钱)

BNC.44605 / COCA.37299


  • VERB 洗熨(衣物)
    When youlaunderclothes, sheets, and towels, you wash and iron them.
    1. How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?...
    2. She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt.
  • VERB 洗(钱)
    Tolaundermoney that has been obtained illegally means to process it through a legitimate business or to send it abroad to a foreign bank, so that when it comes back nobody knows that it was illegally obtained.
    1. The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money.


  • The justice department said at least$ 881m in drug-trafficking proceeds from Mexican and Colombian drug cartels were laundered through HSBC in the US.
  • Americans do indeed work longer hours for money, but they make up for it by spending that money to create leisure time: hiring housekeepers, eating out, dropping shirts to be laundered at the dry-clearers.
  • Yes. I'd like to have a7 o'clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, shirts and pants laundered, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.
  • She washed and bathed them, combed their hair, put freshly laundered shirts on them, and cautioned them to be polite and well-behaved in the presence of the Lord.
  • Laundered baths, a tea service, four packets sat on the sofa and began to say things.
  • Created with a chemical wash, at the moment it maintains a just-laundered smell for its first few washes but the company says that within six months it will have perfected a microcapsule process to make the effect permanent.
  • I'm afraid we cannot arrange to have it laundered by the time you check out.
  • Ensure that all items laundered and dry cleaned within the hotel's laundry are finished to the highest standard achievable and returned to the guests or staff in immaculate condition.
  • We think the parallel illegal trade from poached ivory comes to Hong Kong and is laundered with existing stocks.
  • Actually, a significant part was laundered in the mainland with the assistance of the mainland criminals and part of the money was then invested in the mainland.