英 [leɪmd]
美 [leɪmd]
网络 拉姆德; 希伯来字母; 希伯来语的第十二个字母; 瘸的
- She is lamed, leaping over a stile.
她瘸了,只能跳跃。 - He was lamed in the earthquake when he was a little boy.
他还是小孩子时在地震中就变跛了。 - The school was lamed by losses of staff.
学校因教职人员流失而开不了课。 - The lamed bridegroom touched the blind bride on the arm to get her attention.
瘸腿新郎碰了碰瞎眼的新娘,以引起她的注意。 - And yet, my dear, the child is in mourning surely it is and she may be lamed for life!
可是,我亲爱的,这孩子在戴孝当然是啦她也许一辈子都残废啦! - He was badly lamed by the accident and afterwards could only walk with the help of a stick.
由于那次事故,他身体严重残疾,从此只能在棍棒的帮助下行走。 - He was maimed in an auto accident. The accident lamed him for life.