

(governance 的复数) n. 统治, 统辖, 管理
[法] 统治, 管理, 支配



  • Besides which, this paper explores innovation application of convertible bonds in capital market such as optimizing listed corporate governances and put forward the operation mode system of China convertible bonds market.
  • Analysis of Franchising Contracts and Risk Governances in Infrastructure Constructions& by the Example of Nanjing Cross-River Tunnel
  • Among them, the importance of incentive mechanism include: the need to Perfect the corporate governances, the need to protect the interests of small and medium shareholders, the need to improve investor shareholders and to change our traditional ideas.
  • This paper, based on theories of contract economics, discusses four logistics governance models, namely multilateral, trilateral, bilateral and unilateral governances. The applicable prerequisites, advantages and disadvantages of each governance mode are explicitly analysed.
  • As main bank governance modes, the bank governances in Japan and USA have each own advantage, but also exist disadvantages.
  • Most of the top international contractors have developed for nearly hundred years and experienced big ups and downs of the international construction market. Their business modes and corporate governances are fairly mature.
  • Third, the paper explains the reason of the common exited problems of the Financial Control in Chinese listed companies, respectively from the internal and external corporate governances.
  • For civil and military officials 'discordance, Qing court interviewed and coordinated timely, in all, the active and effective governances to government and military affairs, the Qing court had taken, strengthened the rule of Fujian.
  • Until the extension and development of Incomplete Contract Economics, Modern financial scholars begin consider financial control as an important and independent branch from the standpoint of corporate governances.
  • Discusses the role of market rules in the construction of library and information network, and analyzes mainly the reforms of organization governances the reengineering of information resources value chain and strategy alliance.