

(denotation 的复数) n. 指示, 表示, 符号


  • This article, by adopting lexical decomposition of words in Chinese, proposes the coexistence of two semantic roles in the conceptual structure of controllable intransitive verbs: Actor and Theme, which are of the same identity in their denotations.
  • In addition, our government plays a leading role in the social denotation organizations, so it is its duty to reinforce its administrative supervision over the disaster relief denotations to secure that the good money is put into good use.
  • This thesis will probe into deep meanings of symbols based on the analysis of denotations and connotations as well as discuss the intercultural differences in different cultural backgrounds.
  • On the basis of comparing various definitions of curriculum, this study proposed the term of hidden curriculum and defined its denotations and connotations.
  • Firstly, the thesis derives denotations and connotations of the public interest principle in anti-dumping system from an analysis from the economic and judicial points of view.
  • The fictitious concept has not only definite intension, but also some denotations.
  • On the Ideas of Leisure in Classical Sociology Theories and Its Reality Denotations
  • That marks a movement toward a history of event approach from event history, which involves an expansion of denotations of events and an alternative experience of time.
  • In addition to denotations, words carry connotations-the rich cultural and emotional meaning resulting from the unique characteristics of a particular culture.
  • Through the interpretation of the connotations and denotations of difficult cases, the author analyses the causes form diverse angles and levels, which is significant for improving the effeciency of investigating difficult cases and safeguarding social stability.