

英 [ˈbəʊnɪŋ]

美 [ˈboʊnɪŋ]

v.  挑掉…的鱼刺; 剔去…的骨头




  • N-VAR 骨;骨头
    Yourbonesare the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.
    1. Many passengers suffered broken bones...
    2. Stephen fractured a thigh bone...
    3. The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat...
    4. She scooped the chicken bones back into the stewpot.
  • VERB 剔除(肉类或鱼)的骨头
    If youbonea piece of meat or fish, you remove the bones from it before cooking it.
    1. Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs...
    2. The boned fish is so easy to serve.
  • ADJ (工具或装饰品)骨制的
    Abonetool or ornament is made of bone.
    1. ...a small, expensive pocketknife with a bone handle.
  • See also:marrow boneT-bone steak
  • PHRASE 基本部分;梗概
    Thebare bones ofsomething are its most basic parts or details.
    1. There are not even the bare bones of a garden here — I've got nothing.
  • 太过直白;过于直率;露骨
    If something is tooclose to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is very close to the truth or to the real nature of something.
    1. PHRASE 从内心;凭直觉
      If you say that you feel or know somethingin your bones, you are indicating that you are certain about it, although you cannot explain why.
      1. I've got a feeling in my bones that things are not quite right.
    2. PHRASE 开诚布公;直言不讳
      If youmake no bones aboutsomething, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret.
      1. Some of them make no bones about their political views.
    3. PHRASE 毫不犹豫;毫不迟疑;二话不说
      If youmake no bones aboutdoing something that is unpleasant or difficult or that might upset someone else, you do it without hesitating.
      1. Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it.
    4. PHRASE 瘦得皮包骨头;瘦骨嶙峋
      You can say someone is justskin and bonewhen you do not approve of the fact that they are very thin.
      1. He was nothing but skin and bones.
    5. PHRASE (削减)达到最低限度,到最小化
      If something such as costs are cutto the bone, they are reduced to the minimum possible.
      1. It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone...
      2. Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.
    6. PHRASE (影响)深刻地,彻骨地
      You useto the boneto indicate that you are very deeply affected by something. For example, if you feel chilledto the bone, your whole body feels extremely cold, often because you have had a shock.
      1. What I saw chilled me to the bone.


    • To make the interlining, the mixing ratio and heat boning temperature are decided through the orthogonal layout.
    • This article introduces the whole process of producing sauced pig-foreleg, including the selection of material, defrosting, moulting, boning, washing, salting, brewing the soup, cooking, out of the pan and the quality control of product.
    • Yemen Jurists's Association Tim was in a college of laws boning up on laws.
    • Al: My boss asked me to take a test, so I'm just boning up on some things I need to know.
    • The bodice is designed with a light boning for the ultimate in a sliming yet curve creating look.
    • If maintaining eye contact is also important to you while you feed, some nursing covers also come with pliable boning in the neck seem which allows you to see your baby beneath the cover.
    • For such three factors as the content of polyester fiber, the content of ES fiber, the temperature of heat boning, every factor is matched with three levels, without regard to interaction.
    • Corsets made then were termed "full-boned" if the boning was placed a as closely together as possible.
    • Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs
    • She had to spend much of her time boning up on the classics to pass the test.