

英 [əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃ(ə)nz]

美 [əˌpriʃiˈeɪʃənz]

n.  欣赏; 理解; 体谅; 同情; 感激; 感谢


  • N-SING 欣赏;鉴赏;赏识
    Appreciation ofsomething is the recognition and enjoyment of its good qualities.
    1. ...an investigation into children's understanding and appreciation of art...
    2. Brian whistled in appreciation.
  • N-SING 感谢;感激
    Yourappreciation forsomething that someone does for you is your gratitude for it.
    1. He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
    2. ...the gifts presented to them in appreciation of their work.
  • N-SING 领会;了解;认识
    Anappreciation ofa situation or problem is an understanding of what it involves.
    1. They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.
  • N-UNCOUNT 升值;增值
    Appreciationin the value of something is an increase in its value over a period of time.
    1. You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.
  • N-COUNT (对艺术家、表演者或其作品的)评论,评价
    Anappreciation ofan artist or performer oroftheir work is a speech or piece of writing in which they are discussed and assessed.
    1. I had written an appreciation of Hernandez for a magazine.


  • In fact, writing for children is usually purposeful, its intention being to implant appreciations of certain kinds of social values in children readers; to put it another way, children fictions, including fairy tales, film fictions and so forth, can also be ideological.
  • I would like to offer my congratulations and appreciations to Professor Daniel khan, his vision and leadership ensured the Grimsby institute's success in china!
  • His painting poems have also made penetrating appreciations and comments on painters, the characters in paintings, the depicted events and the relevant issues, which have manifested his new understanding as well as his profound learning.
  • In each country, positive depreciation effects exist along with negative or positive exchange risk effects during depreciations or appreciations.
  • When feeling gratified and proud for the achievements that our company has obtained, we are also full of appreciations to the trust, support, care and help from all sectors of the society.
  • Further analyses show that for five of the eight countries, the magnitude of the difference between the exchange rate risk effects on exports during depreciations and appreciations proves significant, either negative or positive.
  • Because art appreciations mastery and art background are different, art appreciation have different aesthetic ideas.
  • Firstly, I have to show our sincerest appreciations for your contributions in helping our district and members growth in this term.
  • In chapter two, essences of aesthetic appreciations upon dreams are presented and this chapter also classifies dreams based on the production of dreams within psychological system and discusses ways of aesthetic appreciation of dreams.
  • Having analysed the aesthetic appreciations of Chinese Wushu, the authors propose how to improve the students ′ ability to appreciate Chinese Wushu in Wushu teaching.